Unit 8

 A review of progress and achievements through parts 1 and 2 of the course:


*What stop motion animation did you do?

I did a stop motion animation on collections that I have for Unit 7. The collection that I used was the music that I have downloaded on my phone.

*What photography projects did you do (pictures of college)

For Unit 5, I photographed street corners inspired by the first few Iron Maiden album and single covers. Another photography project we were given was to go around the college building and take photographs to mostly experiment with the camera.

*What sound project did you do (Emmanuella)

For Unit 5, I used the software Premiere pro to add sound to a silent film scene. Another thing we used Premiere pro for was adding sound effects to associate with images, including a Ray gun and a spaceship door.

*Which project did you enjoy the most? Why?

The project I enjoyed the most was going to see and review the movies Blade Runner 2049 and Get Out, as I enjoyed watching both the movies and generally enjoy movies as a whole.

*which project did you enjoy the least? Why?

The unit that I enjoyed the least was adding the sound effects to the film scene, as I found the software very steep in terms of the learning curve.

Research complete on 3 animators, concept artist or game developers: Done

To show an image of tools to be used in photo e.g. pencil, paper, tracing paper…:

Figure drawing over head practice and angles: Pending

Figure drawing over arms practice: Pending

Figure drawing over body practice:

Drawing poses, begin with working over stick men: Done


Costume drawing:

Environment Location Inspiration images:

Environment Drawings: Done

Weapon Research images:

Weapon Drawings: Done


Project idea:

My project is to design game concept art for characters, object/weapon and environment. I have chosen this as my project due to my knowledge on the games in general. The genre that I have chosen to cover is Apocalyptic, because I find media within this genre to be some of my favorite works such as the Mad Max film series,Y:the Last Man and Metro:2033. I have also looked up places that look fairly apocalyptic for reference. Another movie that I am taking inspiration from is the Quartermass experiment, as it is very influential in science fiction and the story will incorporate elements of sci-fi.

For pre-visualization, I have done several designs for my game concept in a sketchbook.

Image result for metro 2033

This is a shot from the game, Metro:2033.



I have researched the post-apocalyptic genre with games such as Metro 2033. I find Metro 2033 has a very unique plot, where humanity is forced to live underground as the surface is highly irradiated and full of mutants. The game also has a very depressing atmosphere when walking in the Metro, as the walls are extremely tight and people and their families live by the ration.


Image result for crysis 2

Another game that I am drawing inspiration from is Crysis 2, mostly for the city setting and the nano-suit design. The nano-suit is utilised by the protagonist, which offers him abilities such as enhanced strength and a stealth cloak.

Image result for gantz

Another source for my character design is the manga and anime Gantz. I drew inspiration from the suits that some the characters wear. The reason why I chose the suits to draw inspiration from was they are simplistic and I could deviate most of the design.

Image result for ronin graphic novel

I used parts of Ronin as inspiration for the futuristic aesthetic. I find the art style and the presentation of the future very uniqe

Image result for the terminator

The plot for my game takes the prospect of machines becoming self-aware and turning against humanity from the Terminator. Artificial intelligence becoming evil is a premise that has been to death, but I wanted to find a way to make the threat feel more inescapable rather than seemingly indestructible like the terminator is.


Yoji Shinkawa

Image result for yoji shinkawaYoji Shinkawa is a video game concept artist hailing from Japan. The property that he is most known for doing work for is the Metal Gear Solid series and other Hideo Kojima properties such as Policenauts, Zone of the Enders and currently Death Stranding. He is also working on another title called Left Alive. Shinkawa’s hand painted art style was inspired by the Final Fantasy concept artist, Yoshitaka Amano.

Shinkawa’s art work is usually to contribute to the designs of characters and machinery. He has also given concept art to other works which include Godzilla: Final Wars and the Japanese poster for Pacific Rim.

I personally really like his style because of the immaculate detail that goes into his work and also incorporates a mild anime-like art style. Another thing that I favor is that his work tends to have a mild futuristic aesthetic which I want to draw upon into my concept art.


Yoshitaka Amano

Image resultYoshitaka Amano’s work has spanned many different works, from video games, anime  and comic books. One of the most famous works he has been associated with is the Final Fantasy franchise, designing some of its most iconic characters and the game covers. He worked on anime much earlier with a style that heavily drew from early western comics.

I especially like his work with Final Fantasy as that seems to be the property that reveals his best qualities as an artist. Not only is there an insane amount of detail, but also a very diverse use of colours he uses.


Ayami Kojima

Image result for ayami kojima castlevaniaAyami Kojima is a self-taught concept artist most  known for her work on the Castlevania series. The first Castlevania she worked on was Symphony of the Night. She is now currently working on the packaging for the Castlevania spiritual successor, Bloodstained:Ritual of the Night.


Concept design:

These are the designs that I’ve created in my sketchbook:

Character design:


The concept that I had for the infected is that the would have different stages which are visually signified by how much of their body is covered by metal.


This is the final stage of infection. I wanted to make the design unsettling. The design is inspired by the husks from Mass Effect 2.


This is a member of the strike force, equipped to take on the threat. The suit design is inspired from Prophets suit from the Crysis games and the suits from Gantz.

Weapon design:


For the guns I was inspired by real world weapons. The concept of the sword was taken from the high-frequency blade in Metal Gear Rising: Reavengeance.



This is the concept art for a destroyed city. I thought of taken the idea of setting it in a destroyed city from various different media, but mostly Crysis 2. For the actual design of the city, I’m going to use images from derelict area such as war zones.


Environmental research:

The images that I have chosen are apocalyptic environments. Especially cities, as that’s were the game is set.

I Am Legend

 Image result for i am legend

In I Am Legend the city is mysteriously empty of human civilisation after an outbreak of a disease that turns people into aggressive, vampire-like creatures.

The Last of Us

Image result for the last of us

I have chosen the game The Last of Us to draw creative inspiration from. It presents a city untouched by humanity with vegetation grown over. In that regard its similar to I Am Legend.

Fallout 3

Image result for FALLOut

In Fallout 3, all the buildings have been destroyed and irradiated due to nuclear holocaust.


Tate Modern


I like this piece just for the sheer number of people they fit in it.




Cildo Meireles 

This is a tower solely comprised of radios. I like this piece because it looks like it had a lot of effort put behind it.




I really like this work because its extremely hectic and if you look at it more than once, you notice something new like the electric chair and the kids looking out the window.